Marine Corps Trials

For those Marines who desire to participate in a more competitive environment, the Marine Corps Trials is a great first step. The Marine Corps Trials is more than just a competition; it is a venue for helping Marines improve their athletic capabilities, build camaraderie with other wounded, ill and injured (WII) Marines, and to select the most qualified athletes for the DoD Warrior Games Marine Corps Team.
WII Marines participate in a variety of team and individual sports, first working on skills in camps, then competing for medals and a spot on the All Marine Team. Due to COVID19, Marine Corps Trials has been cancelled for 2021. To ensure everyone's safety and mitigate the risks caused by increased exposure, there will be regional trials conducted at the Wounded Warrior Battalions and detachments for Active Duty service members.
DoD Warrior Games
The Department of Defense Warrior Games is an annual event that celebrates the achievement and abilities of recovering service members (RSMs), while building camaraderie and raising awareness for adaptive sports. Visit DoD Warrior Games' website to learn more about the event.
Created in 2010, the DoD Warrior Games introduce wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans to Paralympic-style sports. Warrior Games showcases the resilient spirit of today’s wounded, ill or injured service members from all branches of the military. These athletes have overcome significant physical and behavioral injuries and prove that life can continue after becoming wounded, ill or injured.
Adaptive Sport Participant Testimonials